John Mead


John Mead

John Mead

Crime Fiction

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    Sep 2018

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    United Kingdom

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Born in the mid-fifties in Dagenham, London, on part of the largest council estate ever built, and was the first pupil from my local secondary modern school to attend university. I have taken early retirement to write, having spent the first part of my life working in education and the public sector.

I was the director of a college, a senior school inspector for a local authority, and was head of a unit for young people with physical and mental health needs. Many of the occurrences recounted and the characters found in my novels are based on real incidents and people I have come across. Although I have allowed myself a wide degree of poetic licence in writing about the main characters, their motivations and the killings that are depicted.

When not travelling, going to the theatre or the pub, I write.

I am currently working on a trilogy of novels set in modern day London. These police procedurals examine the darker side of modern life in the East End of the city.

John Mead Books

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